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Living In Higher Vibrations – New Earth Planning Team

Zoom Call

Janice will offer a presentation describing the vibration of emotions based on Power Vs Force by David R, Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., By becoming aware of our thoughts and emotions, we can gauge our vibrational levels at any time. We are incredible beings who can easily scale the dimensions and the vibrations and do this all […]


People Living in Fifth Dimension – Janice Coyle

Zoom Call

Janice will describe her experiences with 5D people in a lucid dream of being with such people in a year-long “dream” one night when she was, she believes, on a Pleiadian starship and attended classes. Through these advanced beings, we have glimpses of ourselves as New Earth people. We will learn how unique we each […]


Bringing Vision into Reality – Janice Coyle

Zoom Call

In this presentation, the basics of manifestation will be discussed and the need to come into alignment with our vision of New Earth with examples of people who have manifested their amazing dreams. We will learn about the immersion techniques used by educators and manifesters to bring oneself into joyful and easy mind-opening creativity and […]


The Perfect Time for This!  – Janice Coyle

Zoom Call

This talk will review the ancient and modern predictions of this amazing transformative time we are in.  Slides will show how our solar system is coming into a high-energy part of the galaxy with powerful effects on the structure and vibration of our planet. Included will be the influence of current cosmic forces right now […]
