New Musings for You

Visions of New Earth and a New Me – Janice Coyle
As founder of the New Earth Visioning Project, we have heard a lot of visions for a New Earth. Each vision is honored and held in our hearts as we

Why I Founded the New Earth Visioning Project?
It was demanded. I founded the New Earth Visioning Project due to an inner vision that became so strong, it could not be ignored. This vision’s insistence began in the

On the Edge of Time – An Incredible Retreat with Antonia Albano
In early November 2022, I attended a life-changing 5-day retreat led by Antonia Albano at her beautiful center in the Shenandoah mountains of Virginia. I have been to many spiritual retreats

Be Like the Whales – by June Sananjaleen Hughes
It is late evening, and my eyes fall upon the tape Whalesong which features a Humpback on the cover. No sooner do I close my eyes in meditation than I

The Day I Disappeared – Chapter 2: The “Here” Crashes In- Janice Coyle
This is chapter 2 of my memoir in progress – a spiritual life journey to solve a mystery – one we all long to solve. Chapter 1 can be found HERE

Beautiful Forgiveness – Forgiving Self – Janice Coyle
It has been a long journey to self-forgiveness – leading to acceptance, then self-love. I have attended classes, read books, meditated, then finally embraced that me, that hero who endured,

Keeping the High Watch – by Rebecca Jarmas
At our most recent New Earth Visioning Project meeting, I was struck by the idea of New Earthers as “keepers of the high watch.” During this time of incredible planetary

On Being a Reflection of Light – Janice Coyle
She hopes her awareness can stay on the Light – stay on that shining whiteness inside, especially when the urge emerges to best reflect it when she writes. But, even as

Mother Earth and Me – Janice Coyle
If you have read some of the blogs here, you will see I’ve had a lovely and varied relationship with Mother Earth. I was on a mountain lying with the