Be Like the Whales – by June Sananjaleen Hughes

June Sananjaleen Hughes is an author of four books, an energy healer, speaker and workshop facilitator, creator of  flower essences and much more. As a telepathic communicator during meditations, she receives profound spiritual teachings from nature, particularly from dolphins and whales. Here is an excerpt from her book  Whale Wisdom Dolphin Joy – Ascension Teachings from the Cetaceans – Transmission Twenty, Be Like the Whales, March New Moon:

Be Like the Whales 

It is late evening, and my eyes fall upon the tape Whalesong which features a Humpback on the cover. No sooner do I close my eyes in meditation than I become aware of the incessant yapping of the neighbor’s dog, and the itching of my own little dog, Tiggy, and the noise of the heat pump. I can barely hear the Whalesong! But also, I am aware of great shapes or forms, great Whales cruising serenely in the ocean depths, unconcerned and undisturbed.

The Whales are at peace. Oblivious to outside interference, they live their dream in the ocean depths. They experience the turmoil, the turbulence, the inharmonious frequencies of the outer world, oh yes. But they allow it not to penetrate their inner being, their inner calm, the heart of their awareness. Their centeredness, or point of focus. Were they to allow the discord of an outer or alien world to penetrate their own, they would disintegrate, their form dispelled, annihilated by thought patterns of aggressiveness.

The waves of calamitous sound would shatter their form. For their form is held in shape by a frequency that borders on Divine. Angelic perhaps would be more to your understanding. At any rate, there is a very fine frequency that holds their shape in form. And they have learned to hold fast to their ideal or focus that All is One, that they are not separate from the whole, from the Godhead, from the Source. And we encourage you and your cohorts to emulate the Whales, to practice steadfastness in holding true to a thought or pattern that is Divine in origin. Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else shall follow.

And it is for you to determine what is meant by kingdom of heaven. A State of Grace maybe. An elevated concept of consciousness, in which you may hold or carry your tune of intent with dedication and commitment to purpose. And here we are assuming that your purpose is the divine blueprint that you drew for yourselves, before you entered embodiment.

Be like the Whales and allow nothing external to detract from this purpose. Insulate yourself. Pad your aura with an extra wad of good humor, of joie de vie, of tolerance and respect. Glue it all together with the love of understanding, and wear this armor amour on all occasions. Remind yourself that you are a spiritual warrior, and the illusionary world of make belief shall not detract you from your path.

I am Sananjaleen, and I would share with you words of loving wisdom from the Whales. Words of encouragement and inspiration that allow peace and presence, balance and harmony in the daily distractions of life on planet earth.

The Whales speak:

Be like the Whales, the Great Whales,

and practice in silence your dedication to the One.

Be like the Whales

and practice this air of serene detachment in a world of woe.

And if you feed it not with your attention,

this world shall starve for want of food.

For the food upon which this world feeds is fear and anger,

irritation and disbelief. Hate and greed and worry.

Withdraw its food and this world shall perish.

Surround this world with love.

Sing your heartsong to this world,

and hold it with you

in the light of your intent for a higher purpose and a greater goal.

And a quickening in the very structure,

in the very molecular make up of this world

shall occur at an atomic level,

because the atoms of this world

shall resonate to your call for freedom and unity and harmony

through every living thing that dreams with you,

and craves enlightenment at every level of its existence.

And then shall these worlds unite and sail as one

through the gap between the thought of chaos and the dream of hope.

Hope springs eternal,

and the gate to freedom shall not close

while there is one more dreamer yet to come.

And the image of the Great Whales vanished. And Tiggy slept. And I smiled to hear the neighbor’s dog – still barking!

© June Sananjaleen Hughes,    Amazon author page HERE,    Website: HERE



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