Connecting with angels, off-world loving beings, and our own multi-dimensional Self.

Note:  Titles shown in blue are also links to the websites.


Multidimensional Consciousness and the New Earth – How to Master a Multidimensional Lifestyle, by Nusra Sahin,  This book will introduce us to the multidimensional consciousness system which prescribes specific steps toward interaction with ascended masters, archangels and our own “source self” for guidance, healing and remarkable assistance and love.  Nusra will speak to our group on September 21, 2021.  Visit her Website HERE; Facebook Page HERE; and YouTube channel HERE

The Seven Types of Spirit Guides: How to Connect and Communicate with Your Cosmic Helpers by Yamile Yemoonyah-Each has specific characteristics, gifts and challenges, and you’ll learn the unique reasons your spirit guides are here to support you on your personal path. Featuring an extensive quiz to help you discover which types of spirit guide, or guides, you have, and practical advice on identifying and communicating with them, this refreshing and inclusive companion will help you to further your spiritual development.

Hemi-sync Mediumship Series audio meditations by Suzanne Giesemann.  These audio meditations take you step by step to higher and higher levels of consciousness.  Done in a safe way, these tapes are very effective introductions to the higher dimensions we are totally capable of traveling. Here we can connect with higher beings and guides, departed loved ones and beyond.  These are wonderful and effective – Janice