Connecting, healing and co-creating with Nature.


Perelandra Garden Workbook: A Complete Guide to Gardening with Nature Intelligences by Machaelle Small Wright. a hands-on manual for the gardener who wishes to work in conscious partnership with the overlighting nature intelligences.  Based on the author’s many years of experience.

The Elves of Lily Hill Farm  by Penny Kelly,  is the true tale of Penny Kelly’s relationship with the land, grapes, animals, elements, and most intriguingly  – her resident elves.  Those looking for a deeper connection to the earth, those interested in nature spirits and how to communicate with them will find inspiration and guidance here.

Encounters with Nature Spirits: Co-creating with the Elemental Kingdom by R. Ogilvie Crombie – this Findhorn classic is a fascinating, first-hand account of the vast powers and true nature of the Elemental Kingdom and reveals deep wisdom, eloquently shared through the author’s encounters with the great God Pan and his elemental subjects. This is a classic among many books about the famous Findhorn gardens that flourished in the arid land of Moray, Scotland  “uninhabitable by plants”  – or so they thought!  Beautiful illustrations offer glimpses of wonders. – many musings and articles on nature, gardening, communications with nature and so much more.  Just go to the site and search the titles, nature, home and garden, etc.  Beautiful short inspirational articles will appear.

Farmers FootprinRegenerative agriculture focuses on rebuilding organic matter and living biodiversity in soil, which produces increasingly nutrient-dense food year after year — while rapidly sequestering excess atmospheric carbon underground to reverse climate change. We focus on 3 pillars: Awareness, Education and Economics to achieve a nature environment that serves all life on our planet.

Project Coherence – Raising the Earth’s Electromagnetic Field –  A guided meditation by Dr. Joe Dispenza available on MP3 or audio CD.  For other guided meditations by “Dr. Joe” on coherence, visit a YouTube list HERE

The Art of Connecting With Nature by Mark J. Platten and 21 others. We have shared the ways that nature has shaped our lives. If you spend time with each chapter, our belief is that you will glimpse a bit of who we are and begin to find your own connection. If your intent is clear and your ego stilled enough, the opportunity for an amazing relationship will appear … and your world will never be the same. We’ve kept each chapter short so they can be read in a few minutes and provide tools, rituals, and practices that create a pathway to finding your own relationship to nature.  Check out their interactive Facebook page HERE

The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding  (website) -is a documentary that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies and calm ourselves and relieve stress by doing the simplest thing that a person can do… standing barefoot on the earth. Also called “Grounding,” connecting bare skin to the ground for extended periods of time can significantly reduce inflammation leading to often dramatic health benefits. Many other benefits are described.  You can watch on YouTube HERE  or,  connect on the Facebook page HERE.