Healing body, mind, traumas and more.

Being Fearless in Darkness by Alberto Villoldo –  6.02 min. – A short intro to the simple breathing technique of calming fear and stress. – the one we used in our meeting.  Youtube video HERE 

Daily Rituals – Calming a Restless Mind by Alberto Villoldo –  23.57 min. – A longer explanation of the body in fear/stress and how to overcome fear. Youtube video HERE

How to Overcome Fear, by Mooji –  1.46 min – A simple explanation of the untrue nature of fear. Youtube video HERE 

A Simple Powerful Prayer in Challenging Times, by Mooji – 12.06 min. – A beautiful, gentle and heart-opening meditation to quickly change stressful  energy and open to grace.  Youtube  HERE

Earthing Film: – This breakout film documentary chronicles the amazing healing effects of grounding ourselves in the earth. Walking barefoot on the earth and other methods shown to have healing, rejuvenating and many uplifting effects. The film can also be viewed on Amazon HERE. For more information and inspiration, check out the many videos on the Youtube channel HERE.

Earthing Book, Research: Over 20 peer-reviewed research studies have been published on the extensive health benefits of grounding, which show impressive improvements in many health conditions. Products to help in grounding are presented.

Suzanne ScurlockVideos and articles on this site where Suzanne assists others in going to the heart of their healing process by weaving together mind, body, and spirit to create a unique environment where profound healing can occur. YouTube channel HERE.

Reclaiming Your Body: Healing from Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom, by Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, 2017, New World Library. Suzanne walks readers through different areas of the body, revealing the wisdom they hold and how to reconnect with that wisdom. As she shows in this warm, compassionate book, the body’s abilities are always available; we must simply reconnect with them. Check out her YouTube channel HERE  for her many calming strategies and meditations for this time we are in.

Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom, by Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, 2010, New World Library  The practices of Full Body Presence help you find a deeper awareness in the moment, even in the midst of chaos, family and work demands, or the pressure to perform. Check out her YouTube channel HERE

The Art of Spiritual Healing, by Joel S. Goldsmith – based on Joel Goldsmith’s many years of experience in practicing spiritual healing. In a decided departure from other books on the subject, Goldsmith reveals the spiritual principles that are the foundation for spiritual healing. For more information and many other books, visit the website HERE,  and his many talks on the YouTube channel HERE

The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living by Nick Ortner.Tapping is also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). It is a powerful holistic healing technique that resolves a range of issues. It’s based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Research has shown that tapping can release stress in minutes, regulate the nervous system, boost immunity, and much more. Check out website HERE,  and YouTube channel HERE

HeartMath Institute: The mission of the HeartMath Institute is to help people bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance. This unfolds the path for becoming heart-empowered individuals who choose the way of love resulting in compassionate love for others and Planet Earth. Visit site for many resources, research etc.  Their YouTube channel is HERE 

Heal Documentary Takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. The latest science reveals we are not victims, nor should be buy into scary prognosis. This film will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all. Website HERE,  Also available on Gaia.com if you are a member.

Water Fasting Can Save your Life  by Dr. Alan Goldhamer D.C. , 22 minute video. – explains how and why medically-supervised water-only fasting can be so beneficial to your health.  For more information: Dr. Goldhamer Website HERE,  YouTube channel HERE

VegSource.com –   A comprehensive resource on the healing effects of a plant-based diet with hundreds of videos, scientific studies, documentaries, recipes, and food recommendations to help heal specific diseases and illnesses. YouTube channel  HERE

NutritionFacts.org.  – What is the healthiest Diet?  On this site find the latest science about your favorite foods to help you make the healthiest choices for you and your family. Included is a video library, resources, books, and many articles on popular health and food issues. Check out the many videos on the YouTube page HERE

Center for Nutrition Studies  – Our food choices matter and this site is committed to increasing awareness of the extraordinary impact that food has on the health or our bodies, our communities, and our planet. The site sections on education, communities and resources including articles on gardening, recipes, healing foods, studies on food, and much more.  YouTube channel HERE 

The Real Truth About Health –  a link for the YouTube channel page  for the The Real Truth About Health organization. The page includes many videos about health, nutrition, healing and alternative therapies.

Food Revolution Network  –  is committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 700,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, this Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet. Check out the many articles on how to detox every day with food.   YouTube channel HERE with international speakers in the medical, political and spiritual fields.

Why Do I Hurt? A Patient Book About the Neuroscience of Pain, by Adriaan Louw, PT, Ph.D. -Pain is normal, living in pain is not. Chronic pain is commonly due to an extra-sensitive nervous system and how the brain processes information from the nerves. Understanding more about the neuroscience of pain has been shown to allow patients to hurt less, exercise more and regain control of their lives.

American Chronic Pain Association – provides support, validation and education in basic pain management and life skills, encouraging patients and their families to crate satisfying lives.

Chronic Pain Anonymous – a 12-Sep Recovery format for chronic pain.

My Chronic Pain Team – Looking for support with chronic pain?  You are not alone. Meet here thousands of others who understand and can give you support in living well with pain.

National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association – support for individuals and their  loved ones affected by fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

Curable App – a biopsychosocial approach to pain management where users interact with a virtual pain coach and complete lessons to help reverse the cycle of pain. Pain education and self-management tools are also included.

Pain Connection – a website and organization that provides compassionate support and evidence-based education to help people with pain reclaim their quality of life.

Health JourneysGuided imagery and meditation audios to improve mood, alleviate anxiety and stress, promote restful sleep, and reduce pain.

The Mighty – an online forum of support for health and life issues. Celebrate wins, ask for help, or be the support someone needs to get through the day. We take it day-by-day together.

Eternal Echoes – Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning to Belong, by John O’donohue – There is a divine restlessness in the human heart, our eternal echo of longing that lives deep within us and never lets us settle for what we have or where we are.In this exquisitely crafted and inspirational book, John O’Donohue, author of the bestseller Anam Cara, explores the most basic of human desires – the desire to belong, a desire that constantly draws us toward new possibilities of self-discovery, friendship, and creativity.