What does Life want?
A morning many years ago, I woke up wondering: What does Life want to make of me and the rest of this life? What is this all about? And then another thought: Why can’t that wondering finally die a natural death?
Nevertheless, my long-ago dream of traveling, speaking and writing seems to be trying to manifest. I have this website now, I’m writing a book, I’ve spoken at various venues in the past couple years. Well, ok!
I’m not working on this day and night as some part of me thinks I should. If everything I’ve read is true, then the Source within is supposed to be dong the heavy lifting, right? But, I sometimes struggle to trust this and hear/feel the supposedly ever-there guidance.
Simply show up and be willing?
What I really want is to be guided all the time, be a transparency for Spirit working through me without any effort on my part.
Well, experience has made it pointedly clear that I need to show up in this life, be here, and be willing to answer the call of my soul, so to speak.
This, as opposed to having to be dragged kicking and screaming all the way to fulfillment. Why? What’s the matter with me?
Are any of you as lazy as I?
Is there a season for everything!
Meditation? Why am I not meditating more? This has been an almost lifelong question. But I didn’t like to meditate and it was difficult for my body to sit still for very long, and my mind wouldn’t cooperate either. So why was I so urged? Why didn’t it work?
But surprise! Lately I’ve developed a habit of meditating 30-45 minutes every morning. It just happened without my willing it much. I found some meditation recordings, felt like trying them and continued every day! In the past decades, I’ve tried many meditation tapes, studied many kinds of practices and nothing worked. Why?
Maybe it’s just the season for me now? Maybe in the past a meditation practice like this was not in the plan for me? Maybe there is a good reason for that? Maybe I should just accept an inner Wisdom so far better than my judging mind – a Wisdom which has guided me without my conscious knowing? Maybe we are being lived by Love – a Love that knows our hearts desire far better than we? Maybe this should be appreciated? Maybe gratitude is the only appropriate emotion to have at all and anytime?
Maybe it’s a Love preparing us for what is beyond our current imagining of fulfillment, adventure, magic, love?
Let Love be the guide.
So, Janice, stop kicking and screaming at what life is presenting. Maybe Love is already guiding the ship? Maybe my best “effort” is to simply accept the grace of all I’m given, all I’m experiencing right now, and cooperate with it and even more, appreciate the privilege – whatever the appearance.
Radical? Yes! Challenging? Yes! Uplifting? YES!!
Why uplifting?
Because gratitude is a form of love and is one of the highest vibrating feelings we can have.
How can I know unless I try it and see?
A bigger question
And since there are so many questions here, why not another bigger one?
If I were managing the evolution of the universe and every sentient thing in it, what would be good about everything I look out and see? To what joy is it ultimately leading? How incredibly much is there to appreciate?
An even bigger question
How big is my heart?
As humongous as every heart is created to be.
How can I know?
Open it and see!
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Love, Janice
Love this Janice! I definitely experience what is written under ‘Simply show up and be willing’. What I really want is spirit to work thru me without any effort on my part. And yes I definitely feel lazy.
Appreciation has definitely shown up for me in the Past week. It did come with just a little bit of Intention on my part but most was grace – something that just happened – for that I am very grateful
Thank you Renee! And YES gratitude for what is right before us is so uplifting and brings out the best in us – helpful and fun coping strategies, finding other things to appreciate, enhanced creativity, and.. and.. and… As you said, grace happens in response. This has been my experience too. Now to remember to be grateful all the time… That’s the practice for me right now. But it’s so worth it isn’t it! Thanks for reminding me again, Love you, J.