Mother Earth and Me – Janice Coyle

If you have read some of the blogs here, you will see I’ve had a lovely and varied relationship with Mother Earth.

I was on a mountain lying with the wild yellow flowers at 9 years old when I had a powerful “awakening” – but what it really was, was a simple memory.  I know that now.

Much later in life, when life was not so beautiful, I began walking and became friends with the trees who, along with Mother Earth,  healed me and saved my sanity.

And lately, I sit here at my desk with my favorite friend, Oscar, the elm tree,  whose love comes up from the Mother as he hugs me at a distance with  limbs growing  toward my window and away from the sun.

In these days I notice what feels like a whimpering from Her. The sacredness of Her bounty is still there on my walks, but everything is quieter.  Has she given up on us?

A passion has come to help bring in New Earth and help us be more like Her – so loving and giving;  so unconditional.

I wondered one night how I could help Mother Earth as she journeys to a new Presence, a new dimension.  I thought and thought, but then I decided to simply ask her “how can I help you?”

I hurried to my pen and paper and immediately wrote her response:

I am you. I live in you and you live in me. We are one and always. Ah, where to begin with you…. Look at me, keep your eyes on me; note my form, my moments, my spirit, my light, my tone, my varied body, my beauty, my suffering, my perseverance, my patience.
SEE me!!

That’s enough for tonight. I sleep, I awake as you. I dream, I cradle myself as you. One day I will be a star like you. I am going now to my next step toward stardom. Will you come with me? You must SEE ME if you are to come to my newness. Just see more completely. Merge with me. Honor me, love me; and you will fly with me and we will become together more enlightened with light flowing to and from us in brilliant flares of joy and love and knowing.

You love to be seen as do I.
SEE me! 

As mentioned in this video, I decided to watch Her, really notice the colors, the shapes, the interactions, the air and the rain, the clouds and the big blue around them. I watched the small bugs, the nodes on Oscar’s trunk, the variations on his leaves. A personality emerged in each form. I began to see a Life within it all. Someone once said “everything  has consciousness – everything!”

Was this what She wanted me to see?

Well, if so, Mother Earth got what she wanted.  There is a new sacredness  – a new kind that speaks, communicating beyond words to my questing soul.  I drink in this sweet nectar feeding me new insights, new joy, a new me.

It seems like a personality is in each form, a uniqueness – something distinct in things that outwardly look just alike but aren’t. As an identical twin, I understand that.

She said: “You love to be seen as I do.”   I don’t take this to mean just giving some attention.  No.  It means to really See. Understand her. See what is behind  mere noticing.  See more deeply than that.

SEE me! she said.  So I will continue to see Her.

And the more I do, the more I fall in love with Mother Earth.

Like a sweet mother I never had.

But now I do.





Spread the Joy

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