The School, The New Earth & The Book by Nusra Sahin

Nusra Sahin

Nusra Sahin, is author of Multidimensional Consciousness and the New Earth  In this article, Nusra gives us some current insights on the world and introduces the Multidimensional Consciousness System – a school created to train the modern-day masters who feel the call to take leading roles in the creation of a New Earth. The system was developed with instruction and guidance from Ascended Masters and Archangels who are actively working with humanity to help bring a New Earth.  Her interview with Janice Coyle can be seen on the video HERE.


After a bit of silence, I would like to share that School of Multidimensional Consciousness is  coming to life, step by step. I have a description of the school in the  Introduction PDF for you to read.

Here are a  few insights and messages to share on where we are as a collective in our transitioning to the New Planetary Consciousness.

I can definitely feel that the New Earth is here and we have been inhaling and exhaling with Mother Earth, feeling her as a living being more than ever before. I feel our beautiful Silver Ray has aligned and opened us to this sense of oneness more. In one of my meditative conversations with her, she was making an interesting point that may resonate with you too.

At this new stage, check your actions, projects, plans connecting with me. You and me, nothing else. There is no spirituality, no religion, no ideology, nothing learned from any system or modality in that connection. Ask yourself whether it is nature. This way you will connect with my nature, align with me and be one.”

A natural Earth to Human connection… A new way of experiencing ourselves in a planetary sense.. Finding the inner power and peace among the chaos we are observing in the external reality…

Recent messages highlight that, humanity made a huge shift, but now we are holding each other like an expanding web. What is connecting us with those who are in the process of aligning with the New Earth consciousness is our unconditional love and compassion.

Love and compassion for ourselves first. We emanate these nurturing energies from our overflow. While love opening our hearts to connect deeper into the source, compassion softens the harsh experiences, holds us gently and lifts us up with empowerment. I encourage you to connect with the Divine Mother Spirit in such practices. She will empower you greatly and you will feel her appreciation.

As I explained in the Introduction PDF , the insights I have been receiving from the New Earth Council described the shift as a shift to Multidimensional reality, not a 5D, from the beginning. By embracing our multidimensional awareness, we will keep leading and designing what is to come with so much love, compassion and power of creation. Further information on this is in the PDF and the Book. Please get these resources and bring your dreams into reality with us.

By Nusra Sahin


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