The New Earth Visioning Project – Janice Coyle

Photo by Alexis Alexandra

This place is a dream
Only a sleeper considers it real
Then death comes like dawn
And you wake up laughing
At what we thought was our grief
– Rumi

Yes, a dream and sometimes a nightmare.  But collectively  it is our own creation – one we make to have experiences in consciousness. Here we have made a dream about a dying society? a mother earth who hurts? a war of ideas?  Or, do we imagine and make another dream?

In looking out over the human landscape we call America, I can only with open heart totally agree with my friend, Jean.  Her blogpost about America hurting and wanting to heal is HERE and on her website HERE.

What is in my heart

Something different is in the air these days and has been for a while. Jean speaks of the American soul as a whole, each of us being cells of the body-America.  I want to speak to you today about what is happening within my own heart and I long to know what is happening in yours. We are all in this together, so let’s come together now.

A mission for us all

A week or so ago, I woke up and had this strong urge to write down a mission.  Normally I would never do that!  But the voice would not be denied. So I wrote it down like automatic writing, and I want to share it here. Perhaps it was the voice of my soul, maybe the One soul, maybe mother Earth.

The idea that came into my head strongly was that I would somehow write or co-write a book about the vision of a new earth and not only that, compile details of how this will be achieved, the structures, the practicalities, etc.  How can I possibly do that? I thought.  I don’t know much about the details of New Earth structures – only vague memories of reading channeled material about how other societies in the cosmos live, love, and organize themselves.  And even in that, I don’t know how they achieved their ideal society.  This can’t be MY project!

I don’t know, but since then there has been a force within me – something like passion and also fear. (I feel so unqualified to lead  people into a vision.)  This is way beyond my comfort zone. I’m inviting you who are reading this to join in this visioning project and let’s dream together.

Let’s wake up and dream

We are not awake yet to our real nature as multidimensional being-creators and the fact that things only exist because we believe them and visualize them into being. We all perhaps don’t feel powerful enough, but our spirits know it is our nature to be powerful creators with unlimited imaginations.

It is time now, desperately time now, to apply our incredible powers of imagination to visualize a New Earth. Let’s be bold and  clear about what we want for ourselves and our children and grandchildren. Let’s see it in  technicolor as it will be when completed. Let’s dare!

The New Earth – what is your vision?

My first priority is peace and harmony. A world where we don’t fight, cheat each other, harm each other – a system that promotes win-win, not win-lose.

But peace and harmony requires  compassion, and the feeling of oneness that is the basis of all love. How do we bring this about?  I believe first we simply envision it.  Why don’t we all begin NOW to let it hang in our imaginations and the longer it does, the more ways to achieve it come into our consciousness.

What is your vision and do you have any idea on how to achieve it?  We each have our own gifts, our own areas where we excel and have some expertise. What is yours?  What comes easy for you?  There  you find your dream, your vision.  Share it!

Here are some areas to think about:


Education – very important and something I’ve been interested in for a long time.  This is the area I most want to research.  I have many ideas I will write about here in the coming weeks.

Commerce – local, national, international.  Let’s imagine a system with win-win being the only possible outcome.

Life-enhancing Food and Sustenance –  What would it look like if everyone has what they need?  How can this be achieved? What about eco-friendly farming, household items?

Health and Healing – What would it look like if everyone was radiantly healthy? How do we manifest that?  How can we tune into the wisdom of nature. already there awaiting our notice?

Housing and Community – What voluntary system would achieve comfort and security for all?

The Environment – what would a beautiful ecosystem look like?What do we do to achieve it?

Government  – How can we have a harmonious de-centralized, wise and noble system that serves us all? What would that look like to you?

Non-toxic Technology – What would this look like? What do you see?

Clean Energy – How can we have pure clean energy?

Freedom – Individual freedom and self-determination for all, while living in harmony with diversity? How is this accomplished?

We are natural dreamers. Let’s dream together.

Please, send us your vision on any of these or other topics of your choice. Send them in a comment below or email me on the CONTACT page.  What do you want to see?  What is your dream?  You have one for sure. so share it.  Let’s turn this into a crescendo of light that can help bring in a New Earth. Let me know if I can publish your idea. I have many friends who have websites and are excited about helping a visioning project. They are anxious to receive thoughtful suggestions and insights to offer their readers.

There is a better way and we know it within us.  I propose we forget about all the things we don’t want and all the things that bring us down.  Instead, we can use our creative force to bring in what we do want.  Our imaginations are powerful, unfailing. Let’s experiment together with the power of our visioning.  Join the  New Earth Visioning Project.

Let’s be children and dream.


Let’s plan to be surprised.


© 2020 Janice Coyle  All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article.

Spread the Joy

8 thoughts on “The New Earth Visioning Project – Janice Coyle”

  1. How awesome Janice. This fits in with Robes. And yes, we are creators so it’s time to stop being only on the eye-level plane. We must vision in the infinity of a full circle.

    1. Thank you Mary, yes the infinity circle of oneness. I need to get back and review Robes again for more inspiration. Thanks for the reminder. Love you, Janice

      1. Janice,
        You are right – the time is now to see what powerful creators we all are. Your post comes soon after I finished Neale Donald Walsch’s 6 week workshop “Awaken the Species” based on his 4th book, with many of the same fundamental priorities.

        1. Rebecca, I am a fan of Neal Donald Walsh but I’ve not read his Awaken the Species. Would be interesting to look into it. Thank you for the this info. I’m grateful you see the the importance of knowing how powerful we are with our imaginations. Yes! Thank you for commenting.

    1. Thank you Mary! I’m hard at work getting others with websites, projects, etc. to join with us this endeavor. I’m getting encouraging responses and several want to re-post this article and collaborate on the Project. So send in your dreams. ❤️

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